Radical Acceptance

This has been one of the most difficult times of my life. My best friend Arrow has been in and out of puppy hospital for cluster seizures. Each cluster is terrifying and stressful, and unfortunately expensive (which adds to financial stress).
Because of all this, I have started to try out radical acceptance. This is a skill I learned about through DBT. I started applying it to my life recently because I was constantly stressed and unable to sleep. I am accepting my situation because it is out of my control. All I can do is listen to his neurologists. So I accept that this is my life. That Arrow has cluster seizures and that I will have to deal with them. To me, there is no other option. Instead of being angry or frustrated, I accept this. It does not mean that I am giving up hope. It just means that I am constantly reminding myself that this is my life now and that's okay.
