
If you've read my other stuff, you know I love the people in my life. But there's something to be said for solitude. I love being alone. 

I didn't always love spending time on my own. I am definitely an extrovert and thrive on being around others. It also took a long time for me to be able to honestly say that I love myself. I was not my favourite person. And being alone felt like a reminder of that.

One of the best things I ever did for myself was to travel by myself. I started small with a trip to visit family on the west coast. It was an educational experience to travel on my own but I had the comfort of arriving somewhere that I could be with people I felt safe with. The next big trip I took was to Ireland all by myself. I didn't have much of a plan but I knew I wanted to see as much of the country as I could. I met amazing people along the way. But I also had to learn to be comfortable sitting at a table by myself. I had to sit in my own thoughts and immerse myself in my surroundings.

Not everyone can afford to take trips on their own. But my advice is to start making time for solo adventures. Go to the park by yourself. Sit in a coffee shop and put down your phone. Immerse yourself in the world around you. Listen to your internal voice. Do not rely on artificial connection because of this fear of being alone. Soak up those moments when you get to be on your own.
